Urheberrecht in Gefahr


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

unsere Internationale UNI-MEI bittet uns um Unterzeichnung untenstehender Petition der SAA. Die Vizepräsidentin der Kommission Kroes plant einen Angriff auf das Urheberrecht. Euer Votum wird dringend gebraucht. Deadline ist der 5. Dezember!!!
Bitte jetzt gleich unterzeichnen und weiterverbreiten.
Mit Dank im Voraus und besten Grüßen

Heinrich Bleicher-Nagelsmann
Bereichsleiter Kunst und Kultur
ver.di Bundesvorstand | Fachbereich 8

Dear members of the Cultural and Creative Industries platform,

Please excuse the bulk email to the whole platform, but I would like to draw your attention to a petition that we have launched to support Europe’s creators. As you may already be aware the college of Commissioner is holding an orientation debate on copyright on Wednesday 5th December. Put simply, this will be the moment when Vice-president Kroes pushes for a re-opening of the copyright Directive and potentially more exceptions and limitations of copyright and authors’ rights. The SAA has decided to launch a petition to call for the Commission to defend authors’ rights and copyright. You can see it here.


Anyone can sign, whether you are a creator or someone who supports creators. Could we also ask you to promote this petition to your members?

Thank you for your support,

VS Baden-Württemberg